XL 91 (Master)

Mobile, infrared, oil heater that is perfect for heating spaces without disrupting air.
Master XL91 - Dimensions

The Master XL 91 is an infrared spot heater. Intended for getting lots of heat to specific, localised areas. For instance, work areas within a larger space, such as a garage, workshop or warehouse. They are also excellent solutions for defrosting, keeping frost away and drying objects.

Infrared Heating

Infrared or radiant heat, which the XL 91 uses, has some distinct advantages over air heating, which make it perfect for spot heating. Infrared heat, for instance, transfers heat via radio waves. These waves cannot be disrupted by wind or drafts. They simply travel in a fixed direction. Heated air, on the other hand, rises and can be moved by wind or drafts. This makes spot heating far easier to achieve with infrared as the heat can be directed and focussed on a location with greater accuracy.

Drying and defrosting

The XL 91 is great for drying and defrosting objects. Again, because of its infrared heating technique, heat is actively transferred into materials. Be it your skin, metal pipework or a plaster wall, the heat rays of infrared penetrate the molecules that comprise these things. Transferring energy into these molecules, the object is warmed up.

Transferring heat energy into an object can be particularly useful for defrosting and drying as the object is warmed to a level that will unlock humidity or keep it further away from a freezing temperature.

High-powered heating

The Master XL 91 boasts 29 kW (low) and 43 kW (high) heat settings. To put this power into perspective, it can be helpful to draw a comparison with home boilers, which tend to be in the region of 25 - 40 kW. Depending on the size of a house, the boiler will be selected depending on the number of radiators and bathrooms it needs to heat. The Master XL 91, designed for open spaces, concentrates heat on a small area. 

Efficiency and autonomy

Infrared heaters use less electrical power than air heaters as they do not need to power fans. Moreover, for the power it creates, the XL 91 is remarkably efficient. Fuel burned is turned into heat, which is near immediately transferred into the surrounding space. Therefore, to create 43 kW of heat energy the Master XL 91 only uses 4.03L of fuel per hour. (At 29kW this is 2.7L/H.) With a 60L tank, on the lower setting, the XL 91 can run continuously for 21 hours. (On the high setting it will run for 14 hours.)


The Master XL 91 can be fitted with a digital or analogue thermostat. Easily overlooked, due to their simplicity, these devices are incredibly handy for regulating temperature. Turning the heater off once a higher temperature threshold is reached, the thermostat will restart when the temperature drops. Saving you from doing this manually, when you feel warm or cold, the thermostat naturally increases fuel autonomy, meaning the heater will not need refilling as often.

“How do I get hold of one of these amazing heaters?”

The Master XL 91 is a high-powered infrared heater, designed for spot/space heating. High-powered, simple and sturdy: can you afford not to have one? If not, or if you would like to find out more information, then please do not hesitate to get in touch with us by the messenger icon on our website, phone (01652)659759 or email sales@idropower.co.uk.

Specification Table

Mobile phone users: our tables can be easier to read in landscape.

Specifications   Units   XL 9SR   XL 91
Heating Power   kW   29  -  43
Fuel Autonomy   h   21  -  14
Thermostat        Analogue only   Analogue or Digital
Fuel consumption   l/h   2.7  -  4.03
Power supply   V/Hz    220-240/1ph/50
Electric power   kW    0.16    0.19
Rated current   A   0.7
Tank capacity   l   60
Product size (L x W x H)   mm    1070 x 700 x 980    710 x 970 x 990
Box size (L x W x H)   mm    1200 x 750 x 1130   1030 x 750 x 1190 
Net/gross weight   kg   69/85
Pallet       1
110V       Available   Available






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