NPC Honda GX Driven Range (Eco HR)

Professional high powered mobile pressure washers for heavy duty cleaning.
Honda GX390
Yanmar Diesel 1
Yanmar Diesel 2
Yanmar Diesel 3

The NPC Eco HR is a no-nonsense cold water pressure washer range that is particularly popular with mobile cleaning services such as drive, patio or roof cleaning. The pump, gearbox (select models) and engine configuration is mounted on a simple frame, atop a sturdy chassis that extends out into a handle. A pair of inflatable rubber wheels finish the job off, making the pressure washer easy to move over smooth or bumpy terrain.

Keeping a simple design and build philosophy facilitates the procurement of quality parts. The main components, the engine and pump, use top brands in their fields. For example, each Eco HR uses a Honda GX petrol engine, to power either a Udor or Interpump. Honda is famed for longevity and quality; Interpump and Udor are both international titans of pump design and manufacture. 

Engine Powered

Primarily petrol-powered, using 4-stroke Honda GX engines, the Eco HR is also available with a diesel-powered Yanmar engine (Eco YR 14-14).

Increasing in engine size, the model numbers of the Eco HR correspond to the pressure and water output of each pressure washer. The Eco HR 14-13, for instance, uses a smaller Honda GX 160 engine. Its output is 140 BAR at 13 litres per minute. The 14, stands for 140BAR of pressure, and the 13 equals the 13LPM flow rate. 

Larger engines such as the Honda GX240 are used on the Eco HR 15-15, which produces 150 BAR at 15 LPM. 

The largest, Honda GX390, can be configured to produce either 200 BAR at 21LPM (Eco HR 20-21) or 250 BAR at 15LPM (Eco HR 25-15).

Pump options

The Eco HR range primarily comes with state-of-the-art Interpumps. However, there are several models that use Udor pumps. 

Models that use Udor pumps are distinguished by the use of the letter “U”. For example, the HR Eco 15-15U is a Honda GX240 powered pressure washer featuring a Udor pump. The HR Eco 15-15, on the other hand, is fitted with an interpump.

While we supply a vast mixture of both. For some of our customers, pumps are like models of cars. We have customers who will only use one or the other. Some will only use interpump, some Udor. If anything, this speaks of the importance of a rugged and effective pump means to those who work with pressure washers.


Some of the Eco HR ranges are fitted with a gearbox between the engine and pump. The use of a gearbox reduces strain on the pump by allowing them to work at a slower rate than the engine. Rather than 3400RPM, for example, the Eco HR 14-12 works at 1450, over half the work rate as the Eco HR 14-13. The reduced work placed on the pump, in theory, increases its longevity.

It is easy to identify those Eco HRs that use a gearbox via the specification chart below. Those that boast a gearbox will have an RPM value of 1450. Those that are not fitted with a gearbox run at 3400RPM.

Do I want a gearbox?

It would be wrong to say that a gearbox is essential. Otherwise, NPC (or other manufacturers for that matter) would not build machines without them. The advantage of having them, however, is that they do reduce stress on the pump, which is a hugely important component of the pressure washer. The disadvantage is that the gearbox is an additional component. Additional components bring additional costs, be it the upfront cost of the build or the cost of replacement or repair.

In our experience, having serviced thousands and thousands of pressure washers over the years, pumps are preserved by the use of gearboxes that reduce their workload. Moreover, the gearboxes of pressure washers are uncomplicated and can generally undertake a lot of work before needing replacement or repair.

How do I get one of these fabulous pressure washers?

The NPC Eco HRs are a powerful, versatile and straightforward range of cold water pressure washers. Manufactured for mobile cleaning services, their simple design presents few potential faults. They are, therefore, easier to maintain and—heaven forbid(!), should there be a fault—easier to service and repair, making them generally less costly in the long term.

If you would like to find out more/enquire about an Eco HR, or our wider range of pressure washers, please get in touch via phone at (01652) 659759, the messenger icon (right below) or via our contact form.


Build Engine Type Pump type LPM BAR RPM KG Dimensions (cm)
14-13 Honda GX 160 Interpump 13 140 3400 40 76x61x66
14-12 Honda GX 160 Interpump 12 140 1450 40 76x61x66
14-14 Honda GX 200 Interpump 14 140 1450 44 76x61x66
15-15 Honda GX 240 Interpump 15 150 1450 44 76x61x66
15-15U Honda GX 240 Udor 15 150 1450 44 76x61x66
20-15 Honda GX 340 Interpump 15 200 1450 69 76x61x66
20-15U Honda GX 340 Udor 15 200 1450 69 76x61x66
20-21 Honda GX 390 Interpump 21 200 1450 69 76x61x66
25-15 Honda GX 390 Interpump 15 250 3400 69 76x61x66
25-15GB Honda GX 390 Interpump 15 250 1450 69 76x61x66
21-15U Honda GX 390 Udor 15 250 1450 69 76x61x66
YR 14-14 Yanmar Diesel Interpump 14 140 1450 69 76x61x66


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